DIY Staging

Occupied Staging Consultation

An Occupied Staging Consultation is a 2 hour appointment with a seller who will "stage" their home for marketing themselves as opposed to having a professional stager do the work on their behalf or move out and have staging furniture replace the seller's personal property.

DIY Staging

These photos are a great example of a DIY Staging success! The sellers had purchased their home new, 30 years before. They were the first family in the neighborhood and had watched each home turn over to younger families over the years. It was finally time for them to move on from their empty nest.

The home was well cared for and they’d made a few updates over the years, but much of the home remained with original features. The goal was to spend as little as possible in cosmetic updates to get the home to look fantastic and attract a buyer.

The sellers carefully followed the staging instructions and spent just a little bit of money on bedding, towels and accessories. Wowza! The transformation is amazing and the result was exactly what they wanted. #UnderContract in just 4 days!


#UpStagingDesigns #UpSellingHomes #Staging #DIYStaging #RealEstate #DurhamNC