How to earn $1,000 per hour

How hard would you work if someone was willing to pay you $1,000 per hour?

How much money would you invest for a 4-500% return on investment?


You can do it and I can tell you how, but I find that many people are not willing to invest their time or money, or are willing to take a slight risk, in case the return is something less than what I’ve suggested.

The catch is that this opportunity is for homeowners in a position to sell.

The real estate market is unprecedented right now and if you are lucky enough to own a home, you may be considering a move to take advantage of the equity you suddenly have. But how much equity do you really have? Your “Zestimate” may be accurate, but it may be way off. Even Zillow has admitted that they have no idea what the value of any particular home is. (They most certainly did not hire stagers to market the homes they have been trying to sell!)

Only a seasoned real estate marketing professional can tell you what your home is worth and how to maximize the sale price.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of voices saying that you don’t need to stage your home or do any special preparations to sell your home because of the current market. That is true, but it has always been true. There is a price that someone is willing to pay for your home in any real estate market, but in this real estate market, buyers are willing to pay more in order to win a house. Any house. It’s crazy town out there - no argument from me.

Home Buyers Will Pay More For Your House

But specifically, because it’s crazy town, you should pay attention before jumping in. Imagine what buyers would pay for a house that is staged, move-in ready and in tip-top shape? It’s more. They will pay more. That is true in both a buyer’s market and a seller’s market.

Most people do not have the vision or finances to look at a poorly presented home and see it’s potential. Yes, they will buy it in this market, but the one they will fight for and over pay for, is a staged home that is photo ready, show ready and move in ready for the target buyer.

So, how do you work for $1,000 an hour?

How do you get a 500% return on investment?

Start with a Staging Consultation with an expert. It will take a couple of hours of your time and will cost some money. The recommendations, if followed, can yield that return.

Staging May Cost you Time And Money

Be warned. You will be asked to move furniture, prepack your stuff, rent out a storage unit, and purchase anything from a set of towels or bedding to a house full of new carpet or paint. It won’t even make sense sometimes because staging is different that decorating. Staging is not intuitive, so hiring and experienced and trained stager makes all the difference.

Staging will yield a Return On Investment

The reality is that the small changes are what yield the big results. Small is relative. If a seller spends $5,000 to prepare their $500,000 home, that is a 1% investment. That sounds small, but it may hurt your wallet at first. If your $5,000 investment nets you a $50,000 above asking offer, you’ve gotten a 10x return on that investment and it no longer sounds like much money.

Let me be fair and play devil’s advocate on myself. Like I said, it’s crazy town out there in our real estate market. If you don’t stage your home, you might still get $25,000 over asking anyway. Yeah!

You either did great, or you really missed out.

If you could have sold for another $25,000, you just turned down a job earning $1,000 an hour or more. You turned down a 500% return on investment.

I get it. You may be in a hurry or strapped for cash. Every little thing you do to improve the presentation of your home adds up and adds value. Start with a Staging Consultation, in person or virtual, and listen to what the recommendations are.

Click right here and schedule that first investment!

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